Football Commentator Voice

For someone who doesn't play or watch any football, I seem to get a lot of football voiceover gigs!

My very best football commentator voiceover

Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm not a big football fanatic. I like it, but I don't give it a lot of time or keep up with it at all. However, I've obviously seen just enough of it to have noticed the excited, dramatic way many of the commentators narrate the matches. My football commentator voiceover is something I'm asked for regularly. If you'd like to see a couple more examples, check out my Snickers and iBoy videos!


My football voiceover for Champions Eleven

I always like working with game developers because they seem to really love what they do, and the folks at Meogames were no exception. They asked me to provide my football commentator voiceover for the entire Champion Eleven game and it was a lot of fun! You can follow the app's Facebook page and download the game on both iOS and Android.

Get in touch!

If you need my commentator voice for your next game, game trailer, or TV ad, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I am more than happy to send over a sample of your script for free to help you see (and hear) whether or not I'm right for your project. I may not watch a lot of football, but I hope anyone who's listened to my work will agree that I've got my football commentator voice just right!

If you would like to know more please get in touch.

My Govind Trailer

govin-trailer-deep-male-voice Guy Harris provided a deep male voice for Dharam Seva Records' My Govind video, which celebrates the Sikh faith and inspires younger generations. Find out more!

Traxart Explainer Video Voiceover

traxart-explainer-voiceover Guy Harris provided a clean, natural voiceover for Traxart's new explainer video. Click on the link to watch the ad and listen to Guy's voiceover.

123 Casinos Explainer Voice

123 Casinos Voiceover 123 Casinos Voiceover - What do they do? The focus is simple: to help make your choice of casino as easy as 123. Another great short Explainer video voice

Guy Harris - Award winning British Male Voiceover - UK based - © 2000 - 2023 VoiceoverGuy ®

VoiceoverGuy iOS App
Guy Harris - VoiceoverGuy - Tel: +44 (0)7973 350 178

Guy Harris - British Male Voice Over Artist | VoiceoverGuy